Individual Donors' Wall of Fame
- Robert Alesia
- Angelo Alesia
- Vince Alesia Memorial
- Vince and Cheryl Alesia, Jr.
- Anonymous
- Neil and Karie Beck
- Patrick and Jennifer Beedles
- Ken Boncela
- Robert and Karen Candusso
- Linda Charest
- Linda and Gordon Corp
- John E.
- Phyllis Fay
- David Fishel
- Gift in Honor of Dorothy Lemley
- Ron and Beverly Greve
- Robert Grilli
- Hannah and Kyle
- Tom and Sue Lessing
- Scott M.
- The Mamalakis Family
- George Mannella
- Robin Martin
- Lisa Moore
- Jerry and Darcy Peck
- Matt Phillips
- Denny Pulchinski
- Kristopher Ruggles
- Kendra S.
- Anthony Standish
- Stuart Standish
- The Standish Kids
- Steve
- Carl and Lisa Schoedel
- Nick Ulm
- Paul Vyoral
- Mary Watt
- Lydia Welch
- Jeffrey E. Wey
- The Williams #12