Mario St. Victor Memorial

A friend of Kids Can, Mario St. Victor of Aurora, IL passed away September 29, 2013 after a year-long battle with cancer. He was a young man and leaves behind a wife, Natasha and two children, aged 10 and 6. Mario’s obituary can be found here.

The family has asked that memorials go to support the future education of Mario's children. Kids Can has talked with the family and they are supportive of the Foundation collecting these memorial gifts for current and on-going educational expenses for their children. These memorial gifts are 100% tax-deductible. Some corporations also have matching gift programs that can further leverage your donation. The Kids Can Foundation will match the first $500 in donations to support the children’s future education.

If you would like to support the family and their children in this way, go to our donate page. Please put “St. Victor Education” in the memo line. The family will be made aware of each person who donates in this way. Thank you for your support of the St. Victor family.